Mind: As a mom, this is an area that I make a concerted effort to maintain. Granted, my "Mommy-Brain" rears it's forgetful face every now and again. (Thanks to my husband's relative for pointing out that it is a result of the brain cells you lose from having babies--yeah, thanks!) Still I try to read and learn as much as I can given time constraints. A challenge that I face is finding time to even ORGANIZE my thoughts, let alone evaluate or analyze.
Elena mentioned journalling as a way to be able to examine our thoughts, feelings, and emotions in a concrete way. I find myself getting too caught up on the appearance of a journal; I want it to be the "perfect" (a dangerous trend in my thoughts) cover for my informal autobiography. What good are my thoughts and daily record of my life, if the vessel is--well, just a notebook?! This is something that I am going to work on this year--a new New Year's Resolution in May. I think that this is a great way to organize my thoughts and have an uncensored look at my mind (scary, I know).
Elena mentioned journalling as a way to be able to examine our thoughts, feelings, and emotions in a concrete way. I find myself getting too caught up on the appearance of a journal; I want it to be the "perfect" (a dangerous trend in my thoughts) cover for my informal autobiography. What good are my thoughts and daily record of my life, if the vessel is--well, just a notebook?! This is something that I am going to work on this year--a new New Year's Resolution in May. I think that this is a great way to organize my thoughts and have an uncensored look at my mind (scary, I know).
She also discussed something that connects mind and body: the confidence you have when you feel you are looking your best. We need to get past the idea that we have to be "perfect" (that word again!), to be the "complete package." Elena shared the story of a very beautiful and brilliant executive who found a humidity-caused-bad-hair day to be a seemingly impenetrable obstacle in a business meeting. At the end of the day, she is still a brilliant businesswoman, just with slightly volumized hair. :) Maybe this is a rant coming from watching "Mad Men, " but wouldn't it be nice if men could feel the same pressure?
Body: This brings us to body and a very helpful tip from Elena's presentation: don't eat Cheetos for breakfast! It is crucial to be careful of what you put in (and on) your body. Aside from finding baby shampoos that loaded with chemicals and carcinogens, we are beginning to pay attention to our eating habits and ingredients. Documentaries like "Food, Inc." and "Forks Over Knives" provide great investigative journalism into the world of factory farming and the obesity epidemic. I enjoy finding more blogs dedicated to finding healthy alternatives to what is widely available in processed foods.
There is so much cross-over from these three categories. We all know that exercise is as beneficial to our brains as our waistlines. I also know that I have far more patience and a more positive outlook on the day after a Zumba class or Yoga class or mowing the lawn with a non-self-propelled mower. You feel good and you look good--there is no down-side here. :)
Jackson & Hines is dedicated to women's overall health. The latest test results and studies concerning harmful ingredients in beauty products are staggering. An article from the wonderful blog, "Chic and Green," discussed the growing list of lipsticks with traces of LEAD found in them. You know the stuff that goes on your lips--yeah, it has lead in it. Not to mention the harmful chemicals in the creams and products you apply to the more porous region of your body--your skin. Everything you use on your skin is absorbed into your body, which is why we promote organic and all-natural skin care products.

Soul: At the beginning of her presentation,
Elena passed out mini Gratitude Journals. She encouraged everyone to find beauty in everyday life, specifically in the fickle Rochester weather. Sure, we Rochesterians could complain about snow in the beginning of May, or we can realize that most of the country is in drought right now--we're not. Even little things can boost our "Debbie Downer" days. My gratitude journal filled up very quickly, and is a helpful reminder to focus my energy and attention to something worthwhile.
Which leads perfectly into another point from the presentation. Elena discussed what her music and singing means to her. It is her moment of ecstasy, of transcendence. She urged the participants to find their "calling" in life. Finding your personal niche and pursuing your talents enriches your life, and in most cases, blesses others. She mentioned the ability to reach her audience through her music in a way that could not happen any other way. One of the fabulous women from the audience shared a story about a cast-iron skillet that had been in her family for a very long time. She loved cooking and entertaining, and when she used this skillet it was a connection to her past and the people that she loved. It was a beautiful story and truly inspired me to make sure that I am not the only one to benefit from my gifts and talents.
Soul: At the beginning of her presentation,
Elena passed out mini Gratitude Journals. She encouraged everyone to find beauty in everyday life, specifically in the fickle Rochester weather. Sure, we Rochesterians could complain about snow in the beginning of May, or we can realize that most of the country is in drought right now--we're not. Even little things can boost our "Debbie Downer" days. My gratitude journal filled up very quickly, and is a helpful reminder to focus my energy and attention to something worthwhile.
Which leads perfectly into another point from the presentation. Elena discussed what her music and singing means to her. It is her moment of ecstasy, of transcendence. She urged the participants to find their "calling" in life. Finding your personal niche and pursuing your talents enriches your life, and in most cases, blesses others. She mentioned the ability to reach her audience through her music in a way that could not happen any other way. One of the fabulous women from the audience shared a story about a cast-iron skillet that had been in her family for a very long time. She loved cooking and entertaining, and when she used this skillet it was a connection to her past and the people that she loved. It was a beautiful story and truly inspired me to make sure that I am not the only one to benefit from my gifts and talents.
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