Friday, April 1, 2011


April is finally here. The sun is shining and the birds are chirping, what a perfect time to…clean the house? Yes, it is that time again, spring-cleaning. It is time to hide all evidence of winter and freshen up your house, wardrobe, yard, and MAKEUP BAG.

Although, for me, spring-cleaning the house can end up being a massive undertaking, it is cathartic to finally open the windows and begin the seasonal de-cluttering. Swapping out the heavy winter coat and dark sweaters for lighter, more cheerful attire is definitely more appealing than most spring-cleaning tasks. Although, if you are in Rochester, I would keep the coat out for a couple more weeks, just to be safe. Bringing the house and yard out of hibernation are spring-cleaning fundamentals, however, it is important to go a step further. For a fresh and complete spring look, check the (make up) bag. Look at colors and determine the longevity of your supplies. Spruce up your yard and restock on beauty supplies.

This month at Jackson & Hines, we will be focusing on all things spring-cleaning. It may seem daunting, but not to worry: Jackson & Hines is here to give you a boost in the right direction. We are excited to announce our SPRING-CLEANING GIVEAWAY! ONE lucky reader will win a Jackson & Hines MAKEUP BAG loaded with SMASHBOX products for the perfect, clean spring look (over $100 value). The prize includes an official J&H make up bag, Photo Finish Primer, Blush Rush, Eyeliner Palette, Eye Shadow Trio, High Definition Powder, Lip Tech lipstick, Hyperlash Mascara, and Lip Exfoliant. In addition, ONE LOCAL reader will also win a FREE MINI-MAKEOVER with our fabulous Esthetician and Make-up Artist Extraordinaire, Linda, to create an individual clean, spring look!

How to Enter: Leave a comment here, telling us your name, city, and your favorite/least favorite aspect of spring cleaning.

Bonus Entries - Valid only after completing first mandatory entry. Please leave a separate comment for each you do, including your name and city.

We will be announcing the winner on our blog on Saturday, April 30th.

Also, watch this month for blog topics such as green cleaning, product organization, how long to keep cosmetics, “Wary about Waxing” and “Spring Cleaning: Dr. Hauschka-style” video.

Good Luck and don’t forget to tell your friends and family about the SPRING CLEANING GIVEAWAY!

Open for US addresses only.


  1. Alyssa, Saratoga springs, I love throwing old stuff away, if I have not used in the last 6 months...see ya later, I feel like my house is losing weight! Love it

  2. 1. Name? Kylee
    2. City? Phoenix, Arizona
    3. Spring Cleaning? I love that I get to start over at least once a year. (I admit, I go through "spring cleaning mode" even when it's not spring.) Throwing out the old and REALLY cleaning is refreshing. :)

  3. Cara
    Logan, Ut

    I love deep cleaning everything in my life, and starting off new while waiting for the sun to get here. I love cleaning my windows, cleaning out cupboards, my car, and prepping my garden for the yumminess to come!

    And it doesn't hurt that it is pedicure season as well!

  4. 1. Melissa
    2. City, Rochester, NY
    3. Getting Rid of the Clutter!

  5. Name: Lisa M
    City: Honeoye Falls
    Spring Cleaning: I love the way the house looks after it is all clean and fresh!

  6. Katie
    Rochester, NY

    I love how clean, fresh, and de-cluttered everything is when I'm done! Plus it feels good to donate the clothes I no longer wear.

  7. 1. Katie C.
    2. Rochester, NY
    3. I love the happiness it brings into my home!

  8. Name: Susan T.
    City: Pittsford, NY
    Fav thing about Spring Cleaning....opening the windows and turning my music up loud!

  9. Dixie Pixie (Amanda)
    Galena MO
    Least favorite thing??? ALL THAT DUST!

  10. 1. Mary R.
    2. Rochester, NY
    3. I love not feeling like everything is closing in on me.

  11. Mary R.
    Rochester, NY
    I love feeling in control of my surroundings.

  12. 1 - Casey
    2 - Fairport NY
    3 - I love being able to take all the bulky cold weather wear out of the hallway and closet and put out my spring clothes and shoes.

  13. Casey
    Faiprort NY
    Cleaning the screens and filters and cobwebs means good bye allergys!!! Love it!
