Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Manicures... Not Just For Women Anymore

While many men still consider manicures to be purely feminine activities, there are several that have discovered the benefits of regular and hand nail care. The main benefits are immediately obvious, as you can present to the world a very clean and polished appearance. A man who obviously cares about the appearance of his hands will certainly care about other details in his personal, and probably professional, life. In fact, you may be surprised at how many employers look at the state of a prospective employee's fingernails during the interview process. A man that takes pride in his appearance will likely take pride in the work that he does and the projects that he presents to others.

Along with the fantastic first impression, getting a manicure also allows you some personal relaxation time. Taking the time on a regular basis to have a manicure can force you to sit still for the allotted manicure time, which will soothe that stressful desire to always be on the go. Not only must you sit still, and usually in a massage chair, but you will also receive the skin massage that often reaches the elbow. These massages can promote circulation to the joints and muscles, which will reduce pain and swelling. The relaxation gained from the massage is undeniable, but the health benefits should not be overlooked.

It's true that most Rochester, NY manicure salons seem to cater to women, with plush interiors and feminine colors. If that bothers you, then you might find a salon with a more clinical feel. However, you cannot deny the benefits of sitting in a deeply cushioned massage chair, surrounded by friendly and caring nail technicians, even if there is a bit of pink in the decor. In fact, after a few visits that include a warm welcome by name and a smiling aesthetician, you might realize that the feminine touch to the salon promotes greater relaxation and enjoyment.

Whatever you seek from your salon, you will be able to find it. Don't be afraid to ask your friends and family about their manicure experience before choosing a regular salon. Focus more on the cleanliness first, and ask about the pink walls later. Your general health and well-being is the most important aspect of your manicure, as well as the polished and put-together image that you project with your healthy and maintained digits.

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